
The Market & Vehicle Marketplace

KOR Guide Market ν™”λ©΄ 상세 & Vehicle λ§ˆμΌ“
In-App Market: This menu allows you to purchase Vehicles, Vehicle Boxes, Gems, and other Items.

Sort Button

This dropdown button allows you to change the sorting order of Vehicle listings.
You can sort by price, level, and grade in ascending and descending order.
- Lowest Price - Highest Price - Lowest Level - Highest Level - Lowest Grade - Highest Grade
If the conditions are the same, the most recently listed car will be displayed first.

Filter Button

This button allows you to set the conditions that you want to see in the list of Vehicles for sale.

Listed by me only

You can see the Vehicles you have listed for sale by clicking 'Listed by me only'.

Wishlist only

Allows you to filter only Vehicles you have marked as Favorites using the icon in each Vehicle's listing page.


Allows you to filter by Vehicle Type.


Allows filter by Vehicle Grade. (Currently the filter options display up to Epic-grade Vehicles only.)


Allows you to filter Vehicles by Seal (e.g. Genesis, etc.) (Additional seals may be added in the future.)


Allows you to filter by level range. (You can filter from a minimum level of 1 to a maximum level of 50.)

Breed Count

Allows you to filter the range of cumulative breeding counts. (You can filter from a minimum breeding count of 0 to a maximum of 8.)

Gem Socket

Allows you to filter Vehicles that have at least one socket based on the selected color.

Ability Filter Criteria

Allows you to filter a Vehicle by its original Base Stats.

Vehicles List

This tab displays the Vehicles currently listed in the Market.

Grade and Type

- Displays the Grade and Type of the Vehicle. Grades are distinguished by the background color of the Vehicle's image. - If a Vehicle has a Plus mark, the Vehicle type will be displayed following a "+" sign. ex) SEDAN / N β†’ SEDAN / N+

NFT ID and Seal

Displays the NFT ID and seal of the Vehicle.

Level and Cumulative Breeding Count

Displays the Vehicle's level and total cumulative breeding counts.


Displays the Vehicle's stats; Speed, Luck, Energy, and Durability from left to right. (Stats displayed here are Modified Stats, which are stats applied after additional effects such as Gems, and not Base stats.)

Sale Price

- Displays the sale price of the Vehicle. - NFT transactions use Arbitrum coin (ARB).

Wish list

Vehicles you have marked as favorites in your Wishlist are marked with a yellow star. (β€» You cannot mark a Vehicle that you are selling as a favorite.)

Listings and Cancellations

Vehicles that others are selling and Vehicles that you are selling are displayed differently. - Buy: Vehicles that others are selling are displayed with a 'Buy' button. - Cancel Listing: Vehicles that you are selling are displayed with a 'Cancel Listing' button.