
Vehicle Box Inventory

KOR Guide Vehicle Box 인벀토리

1. Main Screen

The Vehicle Box tab displays the Vehicle Boxes that you have in your Inventory.

Vehicle Box

Vehicle Boxes are displayed in different colors depending on their Grade. β‘  Silver β”‚ Silver Vehicle Boxes can be obtained by breeding Normal x Normal Grade Vehicles. β‘‘ Green β”‚ Green Vehicle Boxes can be obtained by breeding Normal x Rare Grade Vehicles. β‘’ Blue β”‚ Blue Vehicle Boxes can be obtained by breeding Normal x Elite Grade Vehicles. β‘£ Orange β”‚ Orange Vehicle Boxes can be obtained by breeding Normal x Epic Grade Vehicles.

Detailed Info

Click on the Vehicle Box to see its Parent Vehicles. β‘  Open: Opens the Vehicle Box immediately. β‘‘ Sell: Sells Vehicle Box in the Market. β‘’ Transfer: Transfers the Vehicle Box to your Wallet account.

Polished Box

You can loot a Polished Box when breeding based on probability. β‘  A Polished Box has a higher chance of minting a higher-Grade Vehicle than a regular Vehicle Box. β‘‘ The probability of obtaining a Polished Box increases based on the total breeding counts of both parents.
The color of the Vehicle Box is based on the Grade of one of the parent Vehicles. You can get an idea of what Vehicle Type you will get by checking out the details of the Vehicle Box.

2. Selling Your Vehicle Box

Clicking the "Sell" button in the detailed page of the Vehicle Box lets you sell it in the Market.

Sell Pop-up window

When you click the "Sell" button, the Vehicle Box image and serial number will be displayed. You can set the listing price in the designated field.

Listing a Vehicle Box for Sale

Once you have set the price, you can check the listing fee and other fees that will incur to proceed with the sale.

Transaction Fee

You can review the list price, royalties, and the transaction fees that you have set. Listing/canceling the sale registration is free.

3. Transferring Your Vehicle Box

Transfer popup

When you click on the Transfer button, an image of the Vehicle Box and its serial number will be displayed, along with the transfer fee required to proceed.

Transfer fee

This action incurs XPER tokens and the cost varies based on the Vehicle's Grade.