
PERPLAY Basic Mode

Activate Basic Mode

What is Basic Mode?

Even if you don’t own a PERPLAY NFT, you can play the game using the trial NFTs provided in Basic Mode and earn FREE PER Tokens daily!
When you activate Basic Mode, trial NFTs are automatically provided.
The trial NFTs used in Basic Mode do not consume power during gameplay!
Since power is not consumed, you don’t need to worry about restoring NFT condition or mileage!
In Basic Mode, the trial NFTs are only tracked by gameplay time, and PER rewards are provided accordingly.

Play Game to Earn Money

Play & Earn

Daily Mission
The daily missions for gameplay on the Play & Earn page reset every day at UTC 0:00.
(* Time remaining until mission reset is displayed)
Daily missions are activated one by one as time progresses.
(* Mission unlock times are displayed)
Click the play button next to the daily mission to start gameplay.
(* Daily mission gameplay is conducted with Basic Mode NFTs.)
If you click the play button next to a daily mission, you can start gameplay.
(* However, if the game is not installed on your device, follow the pop-up instructions to download the game from the Google Play Store and then click the play button to start.)
After completing all games in the daily mission list, click the 'Claim All Rewards' or 'Claim Reward' button to receive your rewards.
Important Note If you do not click the reward button before the mission reset, you will not receive the rewards.

Get Token

Guide Mission
* The Guide Missions consist of a total of 5 tasks. Complete them in order to earn PER token rewards.
First Login: Receive a reward by logging into the PERPLAY App.
Visit Discord: Visit the official PERPLAY Discord channel to receive PER rewards.
(* After visiting Discord, you can also participate in various events.)
Daily Missions: Complete all daily missions on the Play & Earn page to activate the reward button.
Wallet Connection: Connect your EVM wallet to the PERPLAY App to receive rewards. (* How to Connect Your EVM Wallet Click the link to check.)
Purchase NFT: Purchase a real PERPLAY NFT, not a Basic Mode or rental NFT, to receive rewards.
Important Note NFTs can be purchased from the PERPLAY in-app market. Click the link to check how to purchase NFTs.( How to Purchase NFTs)

Grade Reward

What is the Basic Mode Grade?
By completing missions in Basic Mode, you can earn rewards based on your grade.
The Basic Mode grade range from ‘Bronze’ to ‘Master,’ with a total of 10 levels.
Experience points are awarded when you play in Basic Mode, and you will automatically advance to the next grade upon meeting the conditions.
Achieve higher Basic Mode grade to receive rewards. (* Rewards are automatically delivered via in-app mail. )
Important Note Tier achievement rewards can be checked under ‘Grade Achievement Rewards.’

Invite Friends

Invite friends and both you and the invited friends will receive rewards.
When you invite friends, both you and the invited friends will receive Basic Mode grade experience points and rewards.
Share your 'Invitation Code' with friends by copying it or by clicking the 'Share Code' button. If your friends enter your invitation code when they sign up for the PERPLAY App, you will earn PER tokens.
Important Note When you invite friends, you will receive PER tokens based on the number of people invited, along with +10 grade experience points. You can earn more PER tokens if the invited friends complete daily missions.
※ Rewards earned by friends completing missions will be distributed at 0:00 UTC, and must be claimed within 24 hours before the next day’s 0:00 UTC.


If your invited friends complete the daily missions every day, you can earn PER tokens that they send you.
Encourage your invited friends to log into PERPLAY daily and complete the daily missions.
The list of invited friends will be displayed below, and the maximum number of friends you can invite will increase as your tier rises.
You can earn PER tokens when friends join the PERPLAY App using your invitation code.
Confirmation The reward effects for each tier can be checked by clicking the question mark (??) next to your tier display.

Try Rental

Don’t have a PERPLAY NFT? Try using a rental NFT to mine XPER, PERPLAY’s utility token, through gameplay.
What is a Rental NFT?
Rental NFT allows you to play the games you want, compared to the free content experience in Basic Mode.
It has the same abilities as PERPLAY's Normal NFT grade, enabling you to earn XPER tokens.
Try out PERPLAY using a Rental NFT.
How to Obtain Rental NFT
To use a Rental NFT, you need 1 [Rental Ticket].
Rental Tickets are automatically sent to your in-app mailbox upon reaching the 'Gold, Sapphire, Emerald, or Diamond' rank in Basic Mode.
Using 1 Rental Ticket allows you to use a Rental NFT for 48 hours.
If you don’t have a Rental Ticket, you can obtain a Rental NFT by paying a cost of '10 PER' tokens.
Rental NFTs are assigned with the same SUV as actual PERPLAY NFTs, but unlike real PERPLAY NFTs, they do not require condition repair or mileage restoration.
Playing Games with a Rental NFT
Play your favorite games and earn XPER tokens with a rental NFT.
Click the "Play Game" button at the bottom left and add the games installed on your device to start playing.
(★Important★) When using a rental NFT, make sure to click the car icon at the top right to switch your main vehicle to the rental vehicle.
Click on a game in the library and press the "Start Game" button at the bottom to begin playing. (* The rental NFT provides a basic power of 10 daily, allowing for a total of 10 minutes of gameplay.)
The basic power of the rental NFT is replenished daily at midnight (UTC).
Special, recommended, and X2E games cannot be played with a rental NFT; only library games are available. (* It is recommended to purchase an NFT from the in-app market to play campaign games.)
How to Obtain Special Boxes
You can also obtain special boxes, which contain items that can be earned through rental NFT gameplay.
After playing for 10 minutes with a rental NFT, the used power is stored in the Power Storage.
When the power in the Power Storage reaches '10/10', click on the Power Storage.
With the 10 power in the Power Storage, you can obtain a special box. (* If the power in the Power Storage is less than 10, there will be no chance to obtain a special box.)
Opening special boxes is possible on the lobby screen, and the time required to open them depends on your level.
Obtain and open special boxes to get items.
Rental NFT Usage Expiry
The rental NFT usage period is displayed in the upper-right corner.
(* 1 rental ticket provides 48 hours of usage)
When the rental NFT usage period ends, a notification popup will appear. You can re-obtain the rental NFT using a rental ticket or PER tokens.