
Main Lobby

KOR Guide Main Lobby

1. Top Screen


- Shows how many XPER, PER, ARB coins you currently have in your Spending account.

Mail Box

- Click the Mail Box button at the top right corner to access the notifications screen.

Menu Button

- Click the menu button at the top left corner to access the side menu. - Side menu options: Cashbook, Play History, Market History, Contact us, Settings, Guide, Whitepaper & Community
โ‘  Cashbook - In the Ledger, you can view the total net profit in USDT on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
โ‘ก Play History - In Play History, you can review your past play records and click to see detailed information. (Details: Vehicle information, condition usage, distance traveled, special box acquisition, etc.)
โ‘ข Market History - In Market History, you can view your market transaction history. (Market transactions can be reviewed)
โ‘ฃ Contact us - You can send inquiries and suggestions via email.
โ‘ค Settings - In Settings, you can configure your gender and birthdate, and view the privacy policy, user agreement, license agreement, sound settings, log out, and app version information.
โ‘ฅ Guide - You can check the complete PERPLAY guide and guides for key items.
โ‘ฆ Whitepaper & Community - By touching the icon at the bottom, you can access the PERPLAY Discord channel and whitepaper.

2. Lobby

Main Vehicle

- Check the Vehicle type and Grade. (Grades are represented by background color.) - Check the Gem socket information - Change your main Vehicle by swiping right and selecting the Vehicle you want to set as main Vehicle.

Vehicle Condition & Mileage

- The current condition of the vehicle is displayed as a bar graph, with the color of the graph changing based on the condition. - The current mileage of the vehicle is displayed as a bar graph, with the color of the graph changing based on the mileage status.

Main Dashboard

- In this dashboard, you can check the view the following information
โ‘  Power - Base : Shows the current base Power (POW) status. (25% of your base power is recharged daily every at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, and 18:00 UTC) - Extra : Shows the current Extra Power (POW) status. (Your Extra Power is charged to 100% everyday at 00:00 UTC) โ‘ก Mining - Displays the XPER & PER tokens you have earned today and the maximum amount you can earn daily. โ‘ข Stats - Displays the Speed/Luck/Energy/Durability stats of your current Main Vehicle and the total added stats base on the number of NFTs you own.

3. Bottom Screen

Special Box Slot

- All users hold a total of four (4) Special Box slots in total. Empty slots or Special Boxes obtained through mining are displayed. By clicking the Special Box, you can open it. (Opening Special Boxes incur cost and takes time. You can use XPER tokens to speed up the process.)
Opening Special Boxes will always give you a certain amount of XPER tokens, but getting any of the Items (Level up Parts, Breeding Key, etc.) will depend on the loot chances.

Game Carousel

- In the lobby, there is a game carousel available where you can play games directly. - The default PER and XPER earning amounts allocated for the game will be displayed.
For Special Games, there are conditions related to the total vehicle stats required to enter the game.

Navigation Menu

- This menu allows you to navigate to key menu within the app. Detailed information about each menu can be found in other sections of this guide.