
Vehicle Info

KOR Guide Vehicle Info
This screen displays the details of individual Vehicles and enables you to perform actions such as leveling up, repairing, and more.

Key Information

Vehicle Info

Displays the Type, Grade, Level, NFT ID, and origin of the Vehicle.

Gem Socket

Displays the Gem Sockets that the Vehicle has. Gem Sockets are initially locked and cannot be equipped with Gems, but each time the Vehicle reaches a certain level, one gets unlocked and displays a '+' button which you can tap to mount a Gem. - Socket Change System: This system allows you to change the four types of sockets set during the NFT creation process. - To change sockets: Touch the button located directly to the right of the four types of sockets, which will display the socket change popup.


Displays the Vehicle's Condition stats; the color of the gauge changes depending on the condition.


Displays the Vehicle's Mileage stats, the color of the gauge changes depending on the stats, and a text indicating the status category (Fine/Caution/Danger/Destroyed) is shown on the right side.


- Modified: Displays the Vehicle's stat values after receiving the effects of both stat points and Gem values. - Base: Displays the base Vehicle's stats.

Stat Points

When you Level Up a Vehicle, you will gain stat points, and the number of unused points will be displayed.

Breed Count

Displays the number of times the Vehicle has been used as a Parent for breeding.

1. Level Up

Minimum/Maximum Level

All Vehicles start at level 1 and cannot be leveled up beyond level 50.

Level Up Cost

XPER, PER tokens, and in certain stages, level-up parts are required.

Stat Points

You can earn stat points after leveling up. The number of points you receive depends on your Vehicle Grade.
Number of stat points increased per level according to Vehicle Grade Normal : +4 Rare : +6 Elite : +8 Epic : +10

Additional Features

Additional features are unlocked when you reach a certain level. - Gem Sockets unlocked Gem sockets will unlock in sequence based on your level. - Reduced Repair cost The cost to repair your Vehicle decreases depending on your level. - Reduced Special Box opening cost The cost to open a Special Box decreases depending on your level. - XPER gain increased The amount of XPER you earn increases based on your level.
The level-up cost varies based on the Grade of the Vehicle and its current Level. The cost reduction to open a Special Box and increased token aquisition are applied cumulatively to all Vehicles possessing such effects when owned in multiple instances.

2. Repair / Restore

As you play games, your Vehicles' Condition decreases and its Mileage increases. Once a certain threshold is reached, it starts affecting your earning yield. This is why managing these stats is important.


You can Repair the Condition of your Vehicle. If it falls below 80, earning yield may be impacted.


You can Restore your Vehicle's Mileage. If it exceeds the Caution status, earning yield may be impacted.
Durability Your Condition and Mileage are influenced by the Durability stat. Increasing this stat will reduce consumption of these values. For Mileage, you can use Restoration Parts items to restore your Vehicle to a certain status.
(Changes based on Condition and Mileage)

3. Sell

Clicking the "Sell" menu lets you list your Vehicle for sale in the Market.

Sell Pop-up window

When you click the "Sell" menu, the Vehicle's image, NFT ID, and origin of the Vehicle currently selected will be displayed. You can set the listing price in the designated field.

Listing a Vehicle for Sale

Once you have set the price, you can check the listing fee and other fees that will incur to proceed with the sale.

Selling Price

You can review the list price, royalties, and the transaction fees that you have set. Listing/canceling the sale registration is free.

4. Transfer

Clicking the "Transfer" menu lets you transfer the Vehicle to your Wallet account.

Transfer popup

When you click on the Transfer menu, an image of the Vehicle and its NFT ID will be displayed, along with the transfer fee required to proceed.

Transfer fee

This action incurs XPER tokens and the cost varies based on the Vehicle's Grade.

5. Disassemble System

You can disassemble your NFT to generate Engine by clicking โ€œDisassembleโ€ menu.

Disassembly popup

- Check Disassembly Cost: The cost of disassembly varies depending on the NFT's grade. - Final Confirmation for Disassembly: When disassembling an NFT, a final confirmation screen will display a number input (*no other numbers can be entered).

Check Created Engines

Engines obtained from NFT Disassemble System can be viewed in the Inventory menu. ( Once the NFT decomposition is completed, the NFT will be burned and cannot be reverted to its previous state. )